Devoted to protecting the ocean as a vital natural space and a Common Good of Humanity, the Ocean Sustainability Foundation was created to foster the creation of an International Platform dedicated to tackle Ocean Sustainability challenges.
Hosted by the CNRS Foundation, the Ocean Sustainability Foundation gathers a team of ocean scientists and experts catalyzing their efforts towards the implementation of the International Platform for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS), aimed to be officially launched at the 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference.
Despite scientists’ warnings, Sustainable Development Goal #14 (or SDG14)
“Conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources” remains the least funded of all the SDGs in the 2030 Agenda.
The situation is critical and calls for relevant, concerted and ambitious global action. This is why, we call for the creation of an International Platform for Ocean Sustainability to address global challenges within the frame of Ocean Decade.
The Foundation coordinates the IPOS activities and its different contributors, thanks to the work of the OSF core team members.
The Foundation is in charge of IPOS action planification up to UNOC 2025 and guides its project governance, enriched by contributions from all actors involved in the IPOS ecosystem.
Its tasks are structured around roadmaps co-designed with all IPOS project stakeholders.
Our work is made possible by donations and other funds raised from
private and public bodies.
Authors of the IPOS founding article released in npj ocean sustainability,
December 21st, 2022 :
Françoise Gaill, Tanya Brodie Rudolph, Lara Lebleu, Denis Allemand, Robert Blasiak, William W. L. Cheung, Joachim Claudet, Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger, Nadine Le Bris, Lisa Levin, Hans- Otto Pörtner, Martin Visbeck, Anna Zivian, Pierre Bahurel, Laurent Bopp, Chris Bowler, Frédérique Chlous, Philippe Cury, Didier Gascuel, Sylvie Goyet, Nathalie Hilmi, Frédéric Ménard, Fiorenza Micheli, Lauren Mullineaux, Rémi Parmentier, Marie-Alexandrine Sicre, Sabrina Speich, Olivier Thébaud, Torsten Thiele, Martha Bowler, Philippe Charvis, Raphael Cuvelier, François Houllier, Sarah Palazot, Francis Staub and
Olivier Poivre d’Arvor.